Call Of Duty Ghost Aimbot
Call Of Duty Ghost Aimbot Download
Before use, go to settings and set the options you want to use ... Some options can be assigned to a specific key on the keyboard.
Bone Aimbot – Aimbot targets and predicts all players.
Vehicle Aimbot – Aimbot targets and predicts all vehicles.
Aim Assistance – Invisible aimbot, shoot anywhere and kill people.
Visibility Tracing – Lock only onto players that are visible instead of aiming at players behind walls.
Autowall – Lock onto players through walls. (Only walls that can be shot through)
No Spread – Bullets all hit 1 spot, instead of spreading around.
No Shake – This feature removes the screen shaking caused by the No Spread feature.
Prediction – Aimbot predicts player movement in order to hit dead end.
Trajectory Aim – The aimbot will predict where the players going based on their velocity and your bullet speed.
Tactical Aim – Advanced 360 aimbot that targets players based on the greatest threat.
Smart Targeting – The aimbot will auto aim at who ever is the “Highest Threat” and kill them first.
Bulletdrop Correction – Aimbot compensates projectile drop in order to be able to hit targets miles away.
Auto Attack – Auto fires your weapon when aiming at a player.
Knife Hack – Instantly kill any player on the map using a knife!
Super Bullets – Allows you to shoot players behind walls.
One Shot Kill – Kill any player with a single bullet!
Instantkill – Instantly kills any single player on the enemy team.
Mega Kill – Instantly kills everyone in the opposite team.
Rapidfire – Fires 100 times more bullets than what you can normally shoot including unlimited ammo.
Customizable Aim FOV – (Field Of View) If you want to look legit, lower it, if you like to “Rage” put it at 360 degrees.
Customizable Aim Bone – Choose a bone to aim/shoot at.
Customizable Target Selection Method – Select how the aimbot picks targets (Closest Distance / FOV / Lowest Health).
Customizable Aim Key – Choose your own Aim key.
Customizable Tactical Aim Key – Choose your own Tactical Aim key.
Customizable Instantkill Key – Choose your own Instantkill key.
Customizable Mega Kill Key – Choose your own Mega Kill key.
Customizable Rapidfire Key – Choose your own Rapidfire key.
Customizable Max Aim Distance – Limit the aimbot to aim no longer than a specific distance.
... and much more!
With the help of Call Of Duty Ghosts Aimbot, you'll not have to fear to get ban in the game, as the hack have anti-ban feature which will help you to be in the stealth mode and you won't be detected by any anti-ban software. Much more feature has been added.
Call Of Duty Ghost Aimbot
Call Of Duty Ghost Aimbot Download