Thief: Out of Shadows is the fourth installment in the series skradankowych action game about the adventures of the title thief. The production was created by Eidos Montreal studio, known for Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Thief designing the authors modeled on previous parts brand, they are responsible for non-existent already graduated Looking Glass and Ion Storm.
Recommended hardware requirements:
Processor: Intel Core i7 or FX-8000 (series)
Memory: 4 + GB RAM
Graphics card: GeForce GTX 660 or Radeon HD / Radeon R9 (series) with support for DirectX 11
Hard Drive: 20 GB
Operating System: Windows 7, or 8
How To Install
1- Run setup.exe and install the game.
2- Run Thief_update.exe and install the update.
3- Apply Crack (Update crack).
4- Play the game.
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